
TollyStory.com is the most trending news portal dedicated to Bengali Entertainment, Tollywood, Serial and Viral News. It was founded on 30 June 2023 by a group of experienced journalists.

Our main goal:

Tolly Story was founded with the goal of providing unbiased movie news without our opinions. Also our other aim is to give opportunities to budding journalists, writers and engineers to showcase their talents. We mainly provide all news about movies. We believe that opinions should always be from readers after reading movie news.

Our Team:  

We have a team of writers and engineers who are working with us. We have two writers at present who writes content. But before publishing every content authors are required to fact check every news. 

We have more than 2 authors. We verify all our movie news live first and then publish it. Before publishing any movie news, we verify the news through a fact-checking process. See our fact checking policy.


To contact with us you can mail us at : [email protected]

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